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12th August 2016
DCCI clients routinely ask "How can I make FedBizOpps data more managable" an...
12th August 2016
DCCI Consulting has launched this site that includes new and improved feature...
Federal Sales Programs


Federal Government Agencies
Using the e-Buy system, federal agencies (buyers) may prepare and post Requests for Quotations (RFQs) for specific supplies (products) and services offered under GSA Schedule and Technology contracts (i.e., GSA Schedule 70 (Information Technology), Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and Network Services and Telecommunications).

Each RFQ is posted in the e-Buy system for a designated period of time and is assigned to a GSA Schedule Special Item Number (SIN) category or GWAC/Network Services and Telecommunications functional category by the buyer. The category assignment determines which Schedule, GWAC, or Network Services and Telecommunications contractors (sellers) may receive the email notice to submit quotations. Sellers are automatically listed under their awarded SINs or functional categories.

For GSA Schedules, buyers may notify all sellers listed under a particular SIN category or may choose to notify a lesser number of sellers. (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 stipulates that buyers must provide the RFQ to at least three Schedule contractors for orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.) Sellers not notified may still submit a quotation for an RFQ placed under their awarded SINs.

For GWACs and Network Services and Telecommunications contracts, buyers must notify all sellers listed under a particular functional category.

Once an RFQ has closed, buyers may then evaluate and accept the quotation that represents the best value. Buyers may then issue an order to any contractor whose quotation was accepted.

State and Local Government Entities
State and local government entities (buyers) may now use the e-Buy system to prepare and post RFQs for GSA Schedule supplies and services under the Cooperative Purchasing Program and the Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program.
In order to use e-Buy, state and local buyers must first register in GSA Advantage!® as a state government customer. Buyers needing assistance with the registration process should contact the GSA Advantage!® Helpdesk on (877) 472-3777 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (877) 472-3777      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Each RFQ is posted in the e-Buy system for a designated period of time and is assigned to a GSA Schedule Special Item Number (SIN) category by the buyer. The category assignment determines which Schedule contractors (sellers) may receive the email notice to submit quotations. Sellers are automatically listed under their awarded SINs.

Buyers may notify all sellers under a particular SIN category or may choose to notify a lesser number of sellers. Sellers not notified may still submit a quotation for an RFQ placed under their awarded SINs.

Once an RFQ has closed, buyers may evaluate and accept the quotation that represents the best value. Buyers may then issue an order to any contractor whose quotation was accepted.

DOD EMALL is an Internet based Electronic Mall, which allows military customers and other authorized government customers to search for and order items from government and commercial sources.

DOD EMALL is a Department of Defense program operated by DLIS.

DOD EMALL gives you a secure location to shop and order NSN’s and commercial items. It also gives you a powerful search engine to access product information from a wide variety of Government and Supplier managed catalogs.

The DOD EMALL is fully integrated in the DLA Business Systems Modernization System, providing order status and Supportability Analysis on all orders placed with the DLA.

DOD EMALL Advantages:
Broadest possible range of supplies and services from DLA and GSA sources
Supports Contract from all Services
Advanced search capabilities
Specialty Stores
Detailed item descriptions
Payment/Shipping Options
Order Management
Collaborative Commerce
DLA Order status tracking
Supportability Analysis
Service Policy Edits
24/7 Help Desk 1-877-DLA-CALL begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-877-DLA-CALL      end_of_the_skype_highlighting



AFWay is a Web-based system for purchasing commercial-off-the-shelf information technology products managed by the 754th ELSG Acquisition and Commodities Division, located at Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, Montgomery, Ala.

The system combines e-business and e-commerce processes – guiding Air Force users through requirements approval, product selection, funding certification, purchase and asset tracking – into a single process.

AFWay provides a one-stop shop for coordinating, tracking and purchasing commercial information technology products from all of the major IT industry leading businesses.

Vendors undergo a stringent selection process to ensure standards such as the Infostructure Technology Reference Model, Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment, and Buy American Act/Trade Agreement Act are met.

AFWay affords customers peace of mind – that state-of-the-art technology supporting secure network operations and information assurance are available and that they are getting the absolute lowest prices on the market due to the combined purchasing power of the Air Force, Defense Department and other federal buyers.

In addition AFWay ensures that IT purchasing and asset management are properly tracked in accordance with congressional mandates.

The 754th ELSG values its partnerships with small and large businesses. These associations are based on delivering and supporting secure combat information systems that enhance the capabilities of commanders and leaders in the Air Force and DOD.

This partnership provides affordable, effective, responsive and sustainable warfighting capabilities to the U.S. Air Force.

Value Proposition:
DCCI's consultative dynamics go far beyond providing forms and advice on what documents to fill out; we work directly as your representative at the General Services Administration. This representative status is valid through the lifecycle of your GSA schedule. DCCI provides the knowledge and experience that the GSA program requires. DCCI keeps your company up to date with changes and compulsory reporting requirements.